Born in Ulverston, my dad was Stan Laurel; long story.
Raised in MIllom, a small town 18 miles from Ulverston. Went to school, left and went to work at BNFL Sellafield. Spent 14 years there, seemed like 30. I then left, attended Blackpool Photographic College to get drunk with the help of a grant. Left with the letters LBIPP, Licentiate of the British Institute of Professional Photography. Went to Coventry; almost sent. Did several jobs, a lot happened. Got a job as a bus driver. Became a writer. Became a Millionaire. And here we are, strolling leisurely through life, spending money like it was water. Love household chores. Love talking crapple. Was a member of Leamington Speakers club. Won the speaker of the year prize: 1,000,000 quid. Bought a country mansion. Still get to do all the chores. What more could someone want? Sleep in the shed. Happy as a lark. Told you I talk crapple.
Thank you.
Yvonne joins me sometimes, when she isn't locked in the cellar playing with her imaginary friends.
My Talks
Photography- Out and About and Beyond.
My Photography considers:
Before photography went ‘WRONG’:
Before automatic cameras when there was a focussing ring with bearings and focussing an image was an art form. There were people who could focus on an image with a film container balanced on their head. People also forgot what depth of field preview meant. In the advent of mobile phone photography; people only went for it because they had heard the Devil liked it.
The Beauty of Household Chores and the Law of Attraction
This talk is a stand-alone comedic style of talk based on our book around how we can find peace and happiness in the simple ‘chores’ we do around the house. The talk ventures into ‘SpiriTRIality’ of the body, soul and sub-conscious and attraction through vibration.
I cover within the talk aspects of Wellness and feeling good, Persistence in the right direction,
Tipping points, Self talk, Get out clauses, Excuses,
‘Give a fish or show how to fish.’
The Wellbeing Buffet
A combination of both the above entwined with my poetry.

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